Bringing Community & Nature-Reconnection During Coronavirus

manchester bushcraft for kids

Live Wild exists to reconnect people of all ages to nature and create a sense of community and belonging for everyone through interaction with the natural world. The current coronavirus pandemic means that we are thinking creatively about how to do this based on the new circumstances, but we remain committed to supporting the local community and helping people to connect with nature, which feels more important now than ever. 

We have been reading all government guidance carefully as it is released, and are also tuning into updates from national networks such as the Forest School Association. The decision about whether to run programmes and courses, which are all outdoors and with small groups, is currently in our hands (although this may change).

Safeguarding and supporting the vulnerable in our community is of the utmost importance to us, and all of our programme teams are currently conducting risk-benefit assessments. We will inform those who have already signed up to Live Wild events about our decisions as soon as possible.

We are nature

As an organisation, we take inspiration from living systems in terms of how we operate. Ecosystems adapt to environmental challenges in a connected and supportive way, which is exactly what we intend to do in light of current circumstances. 


Getting people outside 

There is tonnes of research that confirms what we intuitively know and see every day: deep connection with the rest of the natural world boosts physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing, reduces stress, keeps immunity strong and creates resilience, both on an individual and community basis. In addition to this, the government is recommending time outdoors, fresh air and sunlight.

With this in mind, we are considering new offers that could better enable people to access natural spaces whilst adhering to government advice. 

Provisions for Children- Home School and Holiday Club

We now know that schools will close as of tomorrow. Our provisions for children and young people may consequently need to be cancelled, or they may be more important than ever. Many parents with work commitments may be seeking childcare options, and perhaps outdoor provision like ours present the lowest risk. We have a strong desire to support parents and children over the coming weeks and so would like to hear from you about what would be most useful at this time. In answering our Facebook poll, you will help us to get a sense of how we can best bring support and nature connection to you and your family.


With love and gratitude, Leona, Viv, Leonie and Sophie 


Author: live wild